How long did I take? 09/09/2020. I was found when they re-opened a gold mine. I wasn’t there when they had shut the mine after the price of gold dropped… read more
Real Research on Creation. Following on from Report 13. Enter the second tite machine made without any cement and only containing crushed limestone and shells… read more
Next Step Cement Free. 2019 update on a series of experiments we began in 2015 to show time is the least important aspect of natural processes… read more
Last Minute Success 20/03/2019. The most common criticism of our stalactite machine experiments has been that the rapid growth is coming only from the concrete… read more
World First Stalactite Machines 3/7/2017. Latest report on Jurassic Ark shows that our world first stalactite machines are continuing to grow stalactites… read more
Really Fast Stalactites 05/10/2016. One year ago (October 2015) we set up the world first stalactite machine at Jurassic Ark which has been growing stalactites rapidly… read more
Duplicating Fossil Leaf Formation In Limestone 09/08/2016. Puzzle to be solved….how did the fossil leaves (pictured above) found trapped in a bridge stalagmite… read more
Ball of Wool Experiment 16/06/2016.The beautiful diamond droplet of water from the stalactite (above left) is what dripped on the ball of wool… read more
NO – It’s not a Giraffe’s Drinking Trough… when I was a boy growing up and we all had rain water tanks, it was obvious that the concrete bases and repairs on the sides of old corrugated iron tanks leaked and formed stalactites… read more