Some people like these green flowers so rose breeders propagate them which can be done only by cuttings or by grafting since green roses do not have the reproductive structures of a normal flower. Grafting takes a young shoot or bud from a plant and attaches it to the base of another rose. The transplanted shoot will grow and eventually produce more green roses.
Green roses are a vivid reminder that mutations can cause serious change in living things, but they cannot make anything evolve. At best they cause variations in kind; at worse, they cause loss of structure and function such as in the green rose. Creation Research has added a green rose to our extensive collection of unusual plants as a reminder that the real history of living things is from creative design to degeneration, just as the whole world has gone from good to bad to worse. Thanks to Bonita Cattell for donating these for our Jurassic Ark Botanic section, especially from our resident rose lover Diane Eager.