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Polystrate Fossil Flood Tree exposing the nonsense of millions of years to make fossil records. We have the biggest research file in the world on fossil polystrate files. These have made a remarkable impact, in universities around the world where we use them to show that millions of years of evolution is not in the rocks. See our Fossil Tree Collection

We have the biggest research file in the world on vertical fossil trees (polystrate). These have made a remarkable impact, in universities around the world where we use them to show that millions of years of evolution is not in the rocks. The tree (right) which we exposed on our Blue Mountains coal field trip is just one more nail in the coffin of those who insist the evidence points to evolution and millions of years, therefore the Bible must be reinterpreted or thrown out. Like all research, it is expensive and needs your team support DONATE NOW 

For free PDF brochure click “Evidence from Polystrate Fossil Trees”