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Click for more Fossil First Reports FOSSIL FIRST REPORTS 

As our Creation Research team rubs it in to evolutionists. On a Field trip in Kentucky, Vance Nelson unearthed a spectacular fossil specimen (photo below). On one side was a plant fossil that today grows in the mountains of Tennessee and Kentucky. In the same layer were shells that John Mackay readily identified as belonging to the Lingula group. They are found living today in mud off the Australian coast.

“How would you mix highland plants with Australian sea shells and bury them in the same rock?” The field trippers quickly answered, “The water on the land which had to be higher than the plants, ripped them up, then took them to wherever the sea shells were.” All agreed that calling this a flood deposit seemed the only logical thing to do. Since these plant and shells are still present in the world, the fossils also were no help to the theory of evolution.

Thanks to those whose financial support enables us to extract fossils both with our own labour and from those who can supply them to us for research and for our Jurassic Ark Outdoor Creation Museum DONATE NOW Donations in USA and the UK are tax deductible.